This is software created and copyrighted by JM Rosborough Stability Consulting LLC. Descriptions of program functions and benefits are provided as new software is created or revised. Newer software is listed on top. Revisions to existing software are added with a date stamp under that program heading. Software is activated by the provision of a license at the time of purchase. The benefits of licensing and multi-user pricing discounts are provided here. Payment is available via PayPal or Square Invoicing.
ThruView ________26-Nov-23 – Version 1.07.00 Free Download
CompRender ____25-Nov-23 – Version 1.42.00 $645 Single User
SHRINK __________09-Oct-19 – Version 2.00.00 $245 Single User
Version 1.07.00 added ability to read and display 3D Lines data. This is a new SHCP capability that also supports the Series 2 LTag longitudinal point definition. The program was also converted to Intel ifx Fortran compiler with associated minor revisions.
Version 1.06.00 revised to be able to import and export the Hull and Deck geometries in both legacy SHCP fixed format and the new “Series 2” SHCP CSV format. The Series 2 CSV format provides for increased numeric resolution (more decimal places) and for resizing the single character Hull and Deck IDs to 5-character case sensitive IDs.
Version 1.05.00 added the capability to recognize when the PC had changed the number of monitors available. This reminds the user to recall all off (main) screen dialogs to the main screen so that they can be located and used.
Version 1.04.00 added the ability to check that the selected input file is an actual SHCP input file.
Versions 1.03.03-.08 include various bug fixes and improved dialog data presentation.
Version 1.03.02 added a means of moving the focus to the main graphic window after having selected a part to highlight. This facilitates the use of the up/down cursor keys to cycle through adjacent parts for highlighting.
Version 1.03.01 fixed cylinder display for line volumes when using volumetric display. It also fixed a situation where Select Viewpoint dialog did not have a menu item displayed. I expanded the surface ID size in dialog to accommodate future “HULL2” 5 character size.
Version 1.03.00 makes improvements to the Create Profile and Rhino Export functions and (finally) provides a .CHM help file and program configuration file. Each file can be independently downloaded as they may not be updated simultaneously.
Version 1.02.00 added keyboard shortcuts to selecting parts to highlight and moving up and down through the selected part list. The “H”, “P”, and “S” keys select the Parts, Dyn Primitives and Stat Primitives respectively when the main window has focus. The up and down arrow keys allow the user to cycle through the currently selected list to sequentially highlight parts from the currently selected part.
Version 1.01.05 addressed a problem where in some situations the Select Viewpoint dialog menu would become nonfunctional.
Version 1.01.04 added error handling if the input file exists but finds no ‘HULL’ type record. Previously the program stopped after acknowledging the error condition. Now program operation continues allowing the user to select another input file.
Version 1.01.03 fixes crash when creating Deck-At-Edge curves for parts with an even number of stations.
Version 1.01.02 includes graphic zoom fix in rare instances.
Version 1.01.01 includes EULA acceptance & revised printing capability.
ThruView is a wireframe display tool for the viewing and interpretation of data for SHCP surfaces and appendages and also for XYZ point cloud data that is often the precursor to SHCP station formatted data. It also supports the static and dynamic display of Picture geometric primitive shapes. The SHCP geometry model and the XYZ CSV point cloud data can be rotated about the midship/Z axis, trimmed, and heeled in either a Parallel or Perspective view.

Although the above display appears to show SHCP station based model, it is actually 59044 points extracted from a an IGES file using the techniques described in other parts of this site. The closeup of the bow below shows the actual points themselves. The Shrink program was specifically designed to appropriately reduce the number of points to provide an accurate representation that SHCP could accept.

- The program provides extensive SHCP data error checking. Since the purpose of ThruView is to support the development of SHCP hull offsets and point and line volumes, the software is very tolerant of ill-ordered data. This lets the user visually see the data as currently constructed and guides the user to creation of SHCP acceptable surfaces offsets and appendages.
- The program support use of an optional SHCP OUTPUT file containing DAMTS, DAMLS, INTACT, or INTACTW righting arm, draft, heel, and trim data. This draft, heel, and trim data is interpolated for draft and trim for a chosen condition and user specified heel angle. The resultant graphic display shows the ship in the proper orientation in relation to the waterline. In addition to supporting the SHCP draft, trim, heel orientation, ThruView also supports the depth, heel, trim orientations from the FCCS and ASA programs.
- ThruView also provides a digitizing capability for a user defined data view orientation. The user manually digitizes the user interpreted profile using the mouse cursor as the digitizing mechanism. The resulting 2D profile data is saved to an output file for subsequent processing.
- SHCP models that are sufficiently correct may be exported to a Rhino text command file for import into Rhino.
- There is currently no help file available but I will make it available here when completed.
NOTICE: This software is provided free of charge and has been tested as best possible but it is version 1.01.00 and some unexpected software failures (“crashes”) may occur. If you experience a crash, please forward the dialog box containing the error trace back message and a brief description of what you were attempting to do at that time. I will endeavor to identify and fix the problem, providing an updated version here on the site. Thank you for your support!
Purchase License Purchase CompRender License
CompRender is a SHCP Compartment, FCCS database, and ASA artifact build, render, and validation tool.
CompRender creates 2D DXF and on-screen drawings and 3D views of SHCP
and ASA hull, appendage and compartment information, including deck,
buttock, and station cuts. User can create 2D plots manually (one at a
time) or create scripts that automate the process and provides quick,
repeatable results. This is especially useful when compartments are
being created, reviewed, revised, and validated. DXF plots are created directly without the need for conversion software. Dual distance/frame longitudinal axes are now available (constant frame spacing required).
ASA artifact data can be read and validated for proper connecting compartment names and physical adjacency.
Visual validation is provided in both 2D plotting mode and 3D viewing
mode. Additional checks are provided for part ID uniqueness, spaces
tagged as free-flooding, presence of ‘stranded’ compartments, and non-referenced compartments. 3D flooding network plots display total possible connectivity along with color differentiated hole/portal open/closed status.
SHCP parts can be converted or created as follows:
- Convert SHCP compartments and ASA artifacts to “Picture” style graphic primitives.
- Graphically place (pick) ASA portals and holes using deck views and automatically determine connecting SHCP compartments based on portal/hole direction.
- Graphically draw SHCP compartments using deck views and grid snapping.
- Generate proper SHCP compartments from a free format input file.
- Generate USN DC compartment locator IDs.
- Automatically generate damage groups based on standard “box” damage extent or 3D damage extents between longitudinal bulkheads.
- Graphically review and modify damage groups via multiple deck plots and perform SUBdivision substitution for identified damage compartments.
FCCS parts can be created as follows:
- .SPX (Point-to-Damage) files can be generated for waterline/deck, section and buttock cuts.
- Subdivision file which provides the linkage between the Point-to-Damage group IDs and the SHCP compartments.
3D Views of ASA artifacts and SHCP compartments is supported:
- Portal and Hole viewing supports automated fitting of those parts to the user selected bounding surface producing revised center coordinates and proper surface normals.
- 3D views support SHCP, FCCS and ASA coordinate systems such that parts (compartments, ASA artifacts, etc.) can be properly displayed in relation to SHCP, FCCS or ASA draft/depth, list and trim data.
VRML models of the hull, appendages can also be generated.
Latest Version Revisions:
25-Nov-23 – Version 1.42.00
- Converted to Intel ifx Fortran compiler.
- Added routine Mdl_3DLine2 and revised Mdl_Hulls_Data for LTag data.
- Multiple improvements to user interface and many bug fixes.
14-Oct-21 – Version 1.38.00
- Added capability to display ASA artifacts ‘above’ the WLASA upper deck level as a overhead (OV) object in dashed outline.
- 3D View Compartments: Revised to display all available ASA artifacts associated with the compartments selected.
- Revised the organization of the DXF layers.
- Holes and portal display revised for those mostly horizontal artifacts.
- Revised the Build Script capability to be more intuitive in its use.
- Added buttons and menus to the Build Script capability for the drawing details that previously had been hard-wired. Now these values are exposed and the user can select the desired settings for the script. These settings don’t affect the settings within the program.
- Surface generation code revised which solved an inside surface display problem. The ComptGenLvl2 code was originally set up to cut the inside surface under the assumption that the inner surface was different from the outer surface. When inner and outer surfaces are the same, the previously cut outer surface mesh is now copied to the inner surface mesh and Y inner values set to 0.0. The ComptMeshYIPlanar routine now adjusts the same inner surface mesh for any Y planar value. Otherwise the routine generates a new inner mesh for the different inboard surface as before.
- Fixed problems with Hole and Portal adjacency checks in the Z direction.
- Fixed errors in the calculation of the average deck height values.
- Added capability to convert ASAP portal Z values (deck oriented) to ASA baseline portal Z height.
- Includes all updates from 1.34.00
06-Jul-21 – Version 1.34.00
- All ASA Artifact types are now viewable in 3D.
- Shaded surface section polylines can now be toggled on and off.
- Added 3D surface model viewpoint control via mouse. User can change rotation, elevation and distance of the eye-point by clicking and dragging the view with the mouse. Distance is controlled by the mouse wheel.
- Compartment centers can now be generated from CompRender bounding cube estimations.
- Level 1& 2 and Level 3 view port locations are stored and retrieved letting the user configure the location of the main graphics window and the supporting dialogs and menu-lists. These view ports will be restored to their previous arrangement based on the level of display selected.
- Dialog improvements & bug fixes.
01-Jan-21 – Version 1.31.00
- Revised the SurfFacetx routines to accommodate single sided facets in addition to double sided facets. The original implementation of shaded panels in the W3D model used double sided so that the panels would be visible from both sides. Single sided is needed if exporting a compartment or surface model in STL format since CAD programs are expecting STL files where all panel normals point typically outside.
- Added support for choosing ASCII or Binary STL file type in the Draw Parameters dialog. Binary is 5x smaller file size than ASCII.
- Added checkbox for selecting single sided facets in the 3D Views | Offset Surfaces and 3D Views | Compartments | Main & Sub Compartments dialogs.
- Added Module Mdl_Mesh to carry just added and future mesh variables and allocateable storage.
- Added Click-Wrap code for EULA acceptance. Updated menu to add Print EULA capability.
- Fixed error where X window dimensions were being used to determine Y window size. This only caused zooming errors when the graphics window was very wide and zooming was invoked by clicking.
16-Aug-20 – Version 1.30.00
- Fixed an error in routine RDCOMP where the inboard ID ! was only checked for “*” or ” ” and set to Main Hull. This is wrong if the outer ID is NOT BLANK. If the inner ID is blank and the outer ID is not blank, the inner ID is set = to outer ID. This substitution was caught elsewhere in the program but should have occurred here first.
- Fixed an error in routine CWLMidCpt where I used DCKID (upper deck reference) instead of DCKID2 (lower deck reference) when determining lower deck bounds. This caused many compartments to qualify as visible between the upper/lower deck/draft bounds as the Z deck value used was 0.
- Added a call to the CWLMidCpt routine when performing 2D screen views of Waterline/Deck cuts for 2 deck levels and Show ASA artifacts box checked, essentially a WLASA call.
- 1.29.03 14-Aug-20 – Routine CompBoundCube: Added checks for CompNumStaI<= 0 ! (in inboard offsets) to prevent crashes.
- Revised InverseColor routine to accommodate shades of grey where RED = Green = Blue
- Added WDialogPutOption call in View3D in response to right-click selections from menu listing. Provides user with visual feedback as to part elected.
- 1.29.02 19-Jun-20 – Added a dark grey as W3D material #10 for reference only surfaces. Updated the associated dialog to display and ! revise.
- Upgraded to Winteracter Release 13e which solves the W3DSave error previously experienced.
- Revised input handling of SUBdivisions and Damage Groups to acknowledge a STOP prior to finding SUB, DAMXC, DAMTS or DAMLS commands. This only happened when a user stored these calls below the STOP record.
- In routine RDCOMP: Added check for DeckID existence. Added error message for unknown Tightness type.
- Fixed problem in Show3DSources that caused compartments to not display during sequential viewing.
- Removed PTColor as an argument to subroutines and included PTColor and PTWide in Mdl_DrwDet
- Activated PTWide in routine DISPLT which had hardwired value of 2.
- Added display line thickness to DeckEdge and FloodSensor display.
- Added a thickness call to routine DISPLT using negative IP values, similar to a color type call. Thickness and color calls are ignored in routine DISRNG.
- Revised routine Rd_ASAPortals to provide default values of 1.0 for PortCc() and HoleCc(). Old circular portals were defined as ‘holes’ which had no Cc.
- For routines Show3DCompt & Show 3DComptMain revised to turn off showing holes & portals after having been turned on.
- Fixed error in routine GETNOR where YIN, ZIN arrays were not sized correctly. This should not have any effect on previous results.
- Added ability to read and store offset break points JBrkPt.
- Reconfigured location of MODULEs to end of source to help the documentation tool provide orderly output.
- Added “()” to end of all SUBROUTINE headers with no arguments. This also supports documentation tool proper ! working.
- 1.29.01 17-May-20 – Advanced date but kept version number.
- Updated 3D View | Offset Surfaces to provide a selection list of surfaces and display either level 2 or level 3 presentation. Includes sequential viewing.
- 1.29.01 16-May-20 – Added 3D Shaded surface viewing of all offset surfaces.
- Routine View3DShade : Made visibility On/Off button actions immediate.
- Revised routine ComptSizeLvl3 to calculate W3D model maximums based upon number and type of ASA artifacts to be displayed.
- Added Display Deck Level 3D view menu option. Optional selection of SUBdivision use available.
- Revised DamgComptMesh routine:
– Added check for compts that straddle the bounding Z range.
– Added speedup using the sub-compartment bounding cube against draft/deck min & maximum values to eliminate out of bounds compartments
– Added another speed up checking if station bottom is above Z upper or station top is below Z lower bound.
– Implemented the ‘deck offset’ (DKOFST) use for sheer decks as upper or lower Z bounds. - Revised RDDECK routine to calculate the minimum and ! maximum deck sheer Z value for each deck. Used with DamgComptMesh routine for quicker compartment elimination.
- Routine AutoDamage changed to read checkbox for SUBdivision use to only if NSUBD > 0. Previously this was set to ‘on’ even if no subdivisions were present. Changed printed output to indicate if no subdivision data present. Added vertical extent definition to output file.
- Updated the Hull Info dialog to include the EFFEC value
- Added an Info dialog for point and line volumes.
07-May-20 – Version 1.29.00
Added new ‘Level 3’ 3D compartment display. The CompRender ‘Level 2’ compartment geometry display (full offset definition), introduced in version 1.26.04, has served as the geometry basis for the implementation of ‘Level 3’ compartment geometry display: Full Shaded Surface representation !! This view provides the following benefits:
- Clarity of compartment interpretation which surpasses the full Level 2 wire representation
- Ability to clearly evaluate the interface of compartment/ sub-compartment surfaces
- Demonstrate the effect of Sheer Deck references on compartment implementation
- Full control over the color and visibility of all 6 compartment surfaces
- Better interpretation of when inner & outer surfaces are not matching
- Visual compartment part/subpart identification via part blinking

This Level 3 shaded model capability is currently available only for compartment geometry. The addition of ASA artifacts such as portals, holes, sources, sinks, transfers, equipment, deck-edge and flooding sensor traces will be accomplished in future CompRender versions. For now, the ASA artifacts are only visible using Level 2 display capability.
Other CompRender 01.29.00 improvements include:
- 3D review of Compartment Damage Groups is now easier with the Previous / Go / Next type interface used for reviewing damage groups in 2D.
- Use of Level 2 geometry implementation in automatic Damage Group Generation yields identification of ‘difficult’ compartments previously missed by the original method.
- Any Level 3 shaded surface model display can be exported to the following formats 1) Winteracter .W3D, 2) AutoCAD .DXF, and 3) STL (stereo-lithography) binary or ASCII formats.
09-Feb-20 – Version 1.26.04
- Added a new “Level 2” 3D compartment display. Level 2 provides complete wireframe display of the compartment at all X sections of the bounding hull surfaces and at all DECK inflection points. This new display captures the effects of the bounding bulkhead surfaces and sheer decks. Establishing the X locations of YPlanar intersections with bounding offsets was accomplished by revising the process in routine CompGenXList. This also captures the forward and after extents of the compartment as specified by X Forward and X Aft if not exceeding the bounding offsets. Level 1 is equivalent the original wireframe 3D compartment view where the forward and aft sections of the compartment at X Forward and X Aft were connected with lines between the 4 section corners.

- Added an option to either show or not show (default) the centerline inboard mesh offset for SHCP compartment CASE=3 (symmetrical on centerline). Added the Lvl2C3Off variable to Mdl_Compts to facilitate this option.
- Revised routine RDCOMP to add a call to routine ComptGenLvl2 which returns an error flag if the compartment is not bounded by the specified offsets. An error dialog is sent to notify the user and refer them to the process window where the compartments in question are listed.
- Revised the DrawCompts routine for the different way in which upper/lower deck/draft cuts are displayed. Also added a dedicated dialog for setting upper/lower deck/draft cuts and which upper or lower level cut will serve as the bounds for newly drawn compartments. The over/under draft/deck approach now sets the sign of DKOFT based on which deck/draft cut is being used. DrawCompts was also revised to add Panning to the graphics. The ComptDraw dialog was revised to display a label which defines the current mode in effect: Pan/Zoom or Compt Drawing. This is coupled with the disabling of the New Part & Add Part buttons once the user has entered the Draw Compartment Mode. This stops users from pushing the wrong buttons at the wrong time. Messages to the Status Bar also keep the user focused on the current state of the task.
- Activated the Copy and Exit screen menu options.
19-Nov-19 – Version 1.25.00
- Added Script File Builder capability using SHCP DECK information to quickly layout and generate a complete script for 2D Deck/WLASA and Buttock views. Also supports rapid generation of a SHCP DECK file for later use.
- Added a treeview list of the names of the 3D graphic parts created. Selecting from this list highlights the selected item. This allows the user to directly select the desired part to highlight, augmenting the previous method of having to scroll through all parts to reach the desired part.
- Revised the FloodSensor 3D display to show a sphere if the FloodSensor consists of a single point. The default polyline is shown otherwise .
- The DECK Info display was revised to use a treeview list selection and display of all the points for each deck
01-Nov-19 – Version 1.24.13
- Fixed sequential object 3D viewing for SOURCEs, SINKs, TRANSFERs
- Added support for loading, reviewing, and 3D views of DECKEDGEs and FLOODSENSORs. Supports reading and saving both typical ASA linear format and text vertical format.
- Fixed typos found
25-Jun-19 – Version 1.24.12
- Changed VIEW3D Intent(Out) for LBack & LSeqExit to (In Out)
- Reset menu ID_Coord_xxx to have SHCP checked after reading in a new file since this is the default setting
24-May-19 – Version 1.24.11
- Gnomen Fit function: Added ICase coding for different aspect ratio bitmaps. Fixed the 3Daxis presentation to be within a square box regardless of bitmap aspect ratio.
14-May-19 – Version 1.24.10
- RDSUBD routine: Revised operation to eliminate poor coding practices.
- Completed update to JMR headers and implementation of INTENT() statements.
- MetaDarkDraw: Fixed EOF problem that should have had an EXIT but instead ended in an endless loop
- Fixed problem where I had added HulClr(I) calls but outside of the I=HullID loop.
- RevDamage: Added MenuSelect capabilities for Copy and Done menu items
- RevDamage: Added Box zoom and Line pan capabilities
- Initialized variables in CYLNDR
- Replaced old aux file opens with new routine and global error reporting.
- Removed main menu handling for Flooding Network views that was already accommodated by View3D
- Revised HOLE and PORTAL Fit-to-surface capability to return an error flag when 1) there were no offsets at the X location for the selected surface and 2) if the middle Z value was above or below any offsets found. Also tried to improve functionality (reduce confusion) by turning off the buttons on the fit-to-surface dialogs when the Select-Viewpoint dialog was showing. Then buttons return when the user closes the select-viewpoint dialog.
- Fixed HOLE Fit-to-Surface errors to process window that used PortCompt1/2 instead of DPortCompt1/2.
10-Mar-19 – Version 1.24.04
- Initial release for purchase
SHRINK is designed to handle the job of eliminating redundant, excessive points on each section cut from a *.csv file containing X,Y,Z from CAD software to create usable SHCP offsets.
08-Apr-20 – Version 02.00.03
- Added Z increase value for application to 2nd Z point of an original 1 point station.
- 02.00.02 07-Apr-20 – Encountered problems calling the tunneling routine with less than 3 points. Added code to pass thru stations with only 2 points and change stations with only 1 point to 2 points but the same point (user fixes later). Added code to remove duplicate points from stations that
! have 3 or more points. - 02.00.01 29-Mar-20 – Found error in routine Tunnel (JMRLib4) where the last point on the station was being lost on occasion.
- 02.00.01 28-Mar-20 – Initialized the value of LEditr to False. Error found where 1st point was not being written to the file in some situations
09-Oct-19 – Version 02.00.00
- Added capability to sort incoming CSV values by X increasing values. 1000 station maximum.
- Added Units radio button to set default tunnel tolerance based on user selected units (0.01 feet & 0.003048 meters)
- Allow user to select positive or negative Y offsets for use. This supports asymmetrical hull geometries.
- Provided support for SHCP main or appendage type offsets.
01-Oct-19 – Version 01.05.00
- Revised to allow user to select Z sort within station or not.
- Changed output file OPEN STATUS from READ to READWRITE after editing the output file. POSITION is still REWIND
- Added FlashMsg after points processed
- Defined initial conversion value settings
- Set “Insert 77777 if angle change exceeded” as default
- Repaired / activated the Configuration File code.
08-Dec-18 – Version 01.04.00
- Revised to use new header block and include comments to facilitate FortranDOC documentation processing.
27-Jul-18 – Version 1.3.0
- Revised to add ‘header’ information for SHCP style output.
- Updated to use the CSV_Routines for output.
26-Jul-18 – Version 1.2.0
- Revised to add output file type where the user can select from CSV format, SHCP HULL format, or future SHCP HULL2 format.
22-Jul-18 – Version 1.1.0
- Added new JM Rosborough Stability Consulting style About… including button link to website and one button email to
- Revised the Software Distribution and Terms of Use portion of the About… dialog.
28-Jun-18 – Version 1.0.0
- Initial version